Qing Ying Wan - 清营丸 - 丸剂 - Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 200 pills


Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction , Clears Heat from the Ying, Relieves Fire Toxin, Nourishes the Yin, Invigorates the Blood , 清阴清热、解火毒、滋阴、活血。


犀角 (Xi Jiao) - Rhinoceros Horn (现多用水牛角代替)

生地黄 (Sheng Di Huang) - Raw Rehmannia Root

玄参 (Xuan Shen) - Scrophularia Root

竹叶心 (Zhu Ye Xin) - Bamboo Leaf Tips

麦冬 (Mai Dong) - Ophiopogon Root

丹参 (Dan Shen) - Chinese Salvia Root

黄连 (Huang Lian) - Coptis Rhizome

银花 (Yin Hua) - Honeysuckle Flower

连翘 (Lian Qiao) - Forsythia Fruit