Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang - 鎮肝熄風湯 - 胶囊 - Sedate The Liver And Extinguish Wind Decoction - 60 pills
Sedate The Liver And Extinguish Wind Decoction , Sedates the Liver, Extinguishes Wind, Nourishes Yin, Anchors Yang , 平肝、熄风、滋阴、定阳。
牛膝 (Niu Xi) - Achyranthes Root
代赭石 (Dai Zhe Shi) - Hematite
龙骨 (Long Gu) - Dragon Bone
牡蛎 (Mu Li) - Oyster Shell
龟板 (Gui Ban) - Tortoise Shell
白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root
玄参 (Xuan Shen) - Scrophularia Root
天冬 (Tian Dong) - Asparagus Root
茵陈 (Yin Chen) - Artemisia Capillaris
川楝子 (Chuan Lian Zi) - Sichuan Chinaberry Fruit
麦芽 (Mai Ya) - Barley Sprout
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root