Wu Zi Yan Zong Wan - 五子衍宗片 - 胶囊 - Five Ancestors Tea Pills - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills
Five Ancestors Tea Pills , Tonifies the Kidneys, Nourishes and astringes Jing, Benefits the eyes, Tonifies Kidney Yang, Tonifies the Blood , 补肾、养收敛精、益目、补肾阳、补血。
枸杞子 (Gou Qi Zi) - Goji Berry
菟丝子 (Tu Si Zi) - Dodder Seed
覆盆子 (Fu Pen Zi) - Raspberry
五味子 (Wu Wei Zi) - Schisandra Berry
车前子 (Che Qian Zi) - Plantain Seed