Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang - 补中益气汤 - 丸剂 - Tonify The Middle And Augment The Qi Decoction - 200 pills


Tonify The Middle And Augment The Qi Decoction , Tonifies Middle Jiao Qi, Benefits Qi, Regulates Qi, Raises Sunken Yang, Lifts prolapsed organs , 补中焦气、益气、理气、养阳、提脱。


黄芪 (Huang Qi) - Astragalus Root
党参 (Dang Shen) - Codonopsis Root
白术 (Bai Zhu) - Atractylodes Rhizome
炙甘草 (Zhi Gan Cao) - Honey-Fried Licorice Root
当归 (Dang Gui) - Angelica Sinensis Root
陈皮 (Chen Pi) - Aged Tangerine Peel
升麻 (Sheng Ma) - Cimicifuga Rhizome
柴胡 (Chai Hu) - Bupleurum Root