Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan - 活络效灵丹 - 胶囊 - Fantastically Effective Pill To Invigorate The Channels - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills


Fantastically Effective Pill To Invigorate The Channels , Invigorates the Blood, Dispels Blood Stasis, Unblocks the collaterals, Alleviates pain , 活血化瘀,通络通络,止痛。


当归 (Dang Gui) - Angelica Sinensis Root
乳香 (Ru Xiang) - Frankincense
没药 (Mo Yao) - Myrrh
丹参 (Dan Shen) - Salvia Root
川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Ligusticum Chuanxiong Rhizome
红花 (Hong Hua) - Safflower
桃仁 (Tao Ren) - Peach Kernel