Liu Wei Di Huang Wan - 六味地黄丸 - 丸剂 - Six Ingredient Pills With Rehmannia - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 200 pills


Six Ingredient Pills With Rehmannia , Enriches Yin, Nourishes the Essence of the Liver and Kidney , 滋阴补肾,滋补肝肾之精。


熟地黄 (Shu Di Huang) - Cooked Rehmannia Root
酒萸肉 (Jiu Yu Rou) - Wine-Processed Cornus Fruit
牡丹皮 (Mu Dan Pi) - Tree Peony Root Bark
山药 (Shan Yao) - Chinese Yam
茯苓 (Fu Ling) - Poria
泽泻 (Ze Xie) - Alisma Rhizome