Qing Ti Tong Sheng Wan - 轻体通圣丸 - 胶囊 - Qing Ti Tong Sheng Pill - 60 Capsules



Relieve the surface and clear the interior, detoxify and clear heat, lose weight and beautify


决明子 (Jue Ming Zi) - Sickle-Pod Senna Seed
车前子 (Che Qian Zi) - Asian Plantain Seed
桔梗 (Jie Geng) - Platycodon Root
黄芩 (Huang Qin) - Chinese Skullcap Root
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Chinese Licorice Root & Rhizome
山楂 (Shan Zha) - Chinese Hawthorn Fruit
荷叶 (He Ye) - Sacred Lotus Leaf
防风 (Fang Feng) - Siler Root
荆芥 (Jing Jie) - Schizonepeta Aboveground Parts
薄荷 (Bo He) - Chinese Mint Aboveground Parts
枳实 (Zhi Shi) - Bitter Orange Young Fruit
栀子 (Zhi Zi) - Gardenia Fruit
川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Sichuan Lovage Rhizome
当归 (Dang Gui) - Dong Quai Root
白芍 (Bai Shao) - Chinese Peony Root Without Bark
连翘 (Lian Qiao) - Forsythia Fruit
白术 (Bai Zhu) - Bai-zhu Atractylodes Rhizome