Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang - 清燥救肺湯 - 胶囊 - Eliminate Dryness And Rescue The Lung Decoction - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills
Eliminate Dryness And Rescue The Lung Decoction , Eliminates Dryness, Moistens the Lungs , 祛除燥热,润肺。
桑叶 (Sang Ye) - Mulberry Leaf
石膏 (Shi Gao) - Gypsum
麦冬 (Mai Dong) - Ophiopogon Root
人参 (Ren Shen) - Ginseng Root
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root
阿胶 (E Jiao) - Donkey-Hide Gelatin
胡麻仁 (Hu Ma Ren) - Flaxseed
杏仁 (Xing Ren) - Apricot Seed