Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang - 少腹逐瘀汤 - 胶囊 - Drive Out Stasis From The Lower Abdomen Decoction - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills


Drive Out Stasis From The Lower Abdomen Decoction , Invigorates the Blood, Promotes the movement of Qi, Dispels Blood Stasis, Warms and regulates menstruation, Unblocks the collaterals, Unblocks painful obstruction, Alleviates pain , 活血行气、散瘀、温经、通经、通痛、止痛。

当归 Chinese angelica root Dang Gui
川芎 Szechuan lovage root Chuan Xiong
赤芍 Red peony root Chi Shao
蒲黄 Cattail pollen Pu Huang
五灵脂 Trogopterus dung Wu Ling Zhi
没药 Myrrh resin Mo Yao
延胡索 Corydalis rhizome Yan Hu Suo
肉桂 Cinnamon bark Rou Gui
干姜 Dried ginger Gan Jiang
小茴香 Fennel seed Xiao Hui Xiang