Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang - 舒經活血湯 - 胶囊 - Relax The Channels And Invigorate The Blood Decoction - 60 pills


Relax The Channels And Invigorate The Blood Decoction , Unblocks and relaxes the channels, Invigorates the Blood, Breaks up Blood Stasis, Dispels Wind-Dampness, Strengthens the tendons , 疏通经络,活血散瘀,祛风湿,强筋。


当归 (Dang Gui) - Chinese Angelica Root

川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Szechuan Lovage Root

白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root

熟地黄 (Shu Di Huang) - Prepared Rehmannia Root

桃仁 (Tao Ren) - Peach Seed

红花 (Hong Hua) - Safflower

牛膝 (Niu Xi) - Achyranthes Root

桂枝 (Gui Zhi) - Cinnamon Twig

甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root