Tao Hong Si Wu Tang - 桃红四物汤 - 丸剂 - Four Substance (Things) Decoction With Safflower And Peach Pit - 200 pills


Four Substance (Things) Decoction With Safflower And Peach Pit , Tonifies and invigorates the Blood, Regulates Blood circulation, Breaks up Blood Stagnation, Regulates menstruation, Alleviates pain , 补血活血、活血化瘀、调经、止痛。


当归 (Dang Gui) - Chinese Angelica Root

川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Szechuan Lovage Root

白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root

熟地黄 (Shu Di Huang) - Prepared Rehmannia Root

桃仁 (Tao Ren) - Peach Seed

红花 (Hong Hua) - Safflower