Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin - 天麻芶藤飲 - 丸剂 - Gastrodia And Uncaria Decoction - 200 pills
Gastrodia And Uncaria Decoction , Calms the Liver, Extinguishes Wind, Clears Heat, Invigorates the Blood, Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys , 平肝、熄风、清热、活血、补肝肾。
天麻 (Tian Ma) - Gastrodia Rhizome
钩藤 (Gou Teng) - Uncaria Stem
石决明 (Shi Jue Ming) - Abalone Shell
栀子 (Zhi Zi) - Gardenia Fruit
黄芩 (Huang Qin) - Scutellaria Root
益母草 (Yi Mu Cao) - Motherwort
牛膝 (Niu Xi) - Achyranthes Root
杜仲 (Du Zhong) - Eucommia Bark
桑寄生 (Sang Ji Sheng) - Loranthus
夜交藤 (Ye Jiao Teng) - Polygonum Multiflorum Stem