Wen Jing Tang - 温经汤 - 丸剂 - Flow-Warming Decoction - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 200 pills


Flow-Warming Decoction , Warms the menses, Regulates menstruation, Dispels Cold, Warms the channels, Nourishes the Blood, Dispels Blood Stasis , 温经、调经、散寒、温经、养血、散瘀。


吴茱萸 (Wu Zhu Yu) - Evodia Fruit

当归 (Dang Gui) - Chinese Angelica Root

川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Szechuan Lovage Root

白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root

人参 (Ren Shen) - Ginseng Root

桂枝 (Gui Zhi) - Cinnamon Twig

阿胶 (E Jiao) - Donkey-Hide Gelatin

牡丹皮 (Mu Dan Pi) - Tree Peony Bark

生姜 (Sheng Jiang) - Fresh Ginger

甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root

半夏 (Ban Xia) - Pinellia Rhizome

麦冬 (Mai Dong) - Ophiopogon Root