Wu Ling San - 五苓散 - 胶囊 - Five-Ingredient Formula With Poria - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills


Five-Ingredient Formula With Poria , Promotes urination, Drains Dampness, Strengthens the Spleen, Disperses water accumulation, Warms the Yang, Promotes the transforming functions of Qi , 利尿、利湿、健脾、散水、温阳、行气。


茯苓 (Fu Ling) - Poria

泽泻 (Ze Xie) - Alisma Rhizome

猪苓 (Zhu Ling) - Polyporus

白术 (Bai Zhu) - Atractylodes Macrocephala Rhizome

桂枝 (Gui Zhi) - Cinnamon Twig