Zhi Sou San - 止嗽散 - 丸剂 - Stop Coughing Powder - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 200 pills
Stop Coughing Powder , Stops coughing, Transforms Phlegm, Releases the Exterior, Ventilates the Lungs , 止咳、化痰、宣表、通肺。
桔梗 (Jie Geng) - Platycodon Root
紫菀 (Zi Wan) - Aster Root
百部 (Bai Bu) - Stemona Root
白前 (Bai Qian) - Cynanchum Root
荆芥 (Jing Jie) - Schizonepeta Herb
陈皮 (Chen Pi) - Dried Tangerine Peel
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root