Yang Yin Qing Fei Tang - 養陰清肺湯 - 丸剂 - Nourish The Yin And Clear The Lungs Decoction - 200 pills


Nourish The Yin And Clear The Lungs Decoction , Nourishes Yin,Clears the Lungs, Improves the condition of the throat, Relieves toxicity, Cools the Blood , 滋阴、清肺、润喉、解毒、凉血。


生地黄 (Sheng Di Huang) - Rehmannia Root

麦冬 (Mai Dong) - Ophiopogon Root

玄参 (Xuan Shen) - Scrophularia Root

白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root

牡丹皮 (Mu Dan Pi) - Tree Peony Bark

贝母 (Bei Mu) - Fritillaria

薄荷 (Bo He) - Peppermint

甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root