Dang Gui Si Ni San - 当归四逆散 - 胶囊 - Danggui Decoction for Frigid Extremities - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills



Warm the channels and dispel cold, nourish the blood and unblock the vessels


当归 (Dang Gui) - Angelica Sinensis Root
白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root
柴胡 (Chai Hu) - Bupleurum Root
枳实 (Zhi Shi) - Bitter Orange Young Fruit
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root
桂枝 (Gui Zhi) - Cinnamon Twig
木通 (Mu Tong) - Akebia Stem