Shu Gan Wan - 舒肝丸 - 丸剂 - Dredge the Liver Decoction - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 200 pills


Dredge the Liver Decoction , Dredges the Liver, Regulates the Qi, Dispels Stasis, Opens the channels and collaterals, Relieves pain, Activates the Blood, Clears Heat , 疏肝理气、散瘀、通经、止痛、活血、清热。


川楝子 (Chuan Lian Zi) - Melia Toosendan Fruit
延胡索 (Yan Hu Suo) - Corydalis Rhizome
白芍 (Bai Shao) - White Peony Root
片姜黄 (Pian Jiang Huang) - Turmeric Rhizome
木香 (Mu Xiang) - Costus Root
沉香 (Chen Xiang) - Agarwood
枳壳 (Zhi Qiao) - Bitter Orange Fruit
陈皮 (Chen Pi) - Aged Tangerine Peel
豆蔻仁 (Dou Kou Ren) - Cardamom Seed
茯苓 (Fu Ling) - Poria
厚朴 (Hou Po) - Magnolia Bark
砂仁 (Sha Ren) - Amomum Fruit
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root
朱砂 (Zhu Sha) - Cinnabar