Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang - 九味羌活汤 - 胶囊 - Nine-Herb Decoction With Notopterygium - FUHENG福恒 - Since 1905 - 60 pills


Nine-Herb Decoction With Notopterygium , Induces sweating, Expels Wind-Cold, Dispels Dampness, Drains Interior Heat , 行汗、祛风寒、祛湿、散内热。


羌活 (Qiang Huo) - Notopterygium Root
防风 (Fang Feng) - Siler Root
苍术 (Cang Zhu) - Atractylodes Rhizome
细辛 (Xi Xin) - Chinese Wild Ginger
川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Ligusticum Chuanxiong Rhizome
白芷 (Bai Zhi) - Angelica Dahurica Root
生地黄 (Sheng Di Huang) - Raw Rehmannia Root
黄芩 (Huang Qin) - Scutellaria Root
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root