Bai Du Shan - 败毒散 - 胶囊 - Ginseng Powder To Overcome Pathogenic Influences - 60 pills


Ginseng Powder To Overcome Pathogenic Influences , Releases the Exterior, Augments Qi, Removes Wind-Cold-Damp, Eliminates Painful Obstruction, Circulates Qi and Blood, Stops pain , 宣表,益气,祛风寒湿,止痛,行气血,止痛。


党参 (Dang Shen) - Codonopsis Root
茯苓 (Fu Ling) - Poria
枳壳 (Zhi Qiao) - Bitter Orange
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root
川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Ligusticum Chuanxiong Rhizome
羌活 (Qiang Huo) - Notopterygium Root
独活 (Du Huo) - Angelica Pubescens Root
柴胡 (Chai Hu) - Bupleurum Root
前胡 (Qian Hu) - Hogfennel Root
桔梗 (Jie Geng) - Platycodon Root