Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang - 身痛逐瘀湯 - 胶囊 - Drive Out Blood Stasis From A Painful Body Decoction - 60 pills


Drive Out Blood Stasis From A Painful Body Decoction , Invigorates the circulation of Qi and Blood, Removes Blood Stagnation in the channels and collaterals, Unblocks painful obstruction, Alleviates pain, Relieves arthralgia , 行气活血,祛瘀活络,疏通痛经,止痛止痛。


秦艽 (Qin Jiao) - Gentiana Macrophylla Root

川芎 (Chuan Xiong) - Szechuan Lovage Root

桃仁 (Tao Ren) - Peach Seed

红花 (Hong Hua) - Safflower

羌活 (Qiang Huo) - Notopterygium Root

没药 (Mo Yao) - Myrrh

当归 (Dang Gui) - Chinese Angelica Root

五灵脂 (Wu Ling Zhi) - Trogopterus Dung

香附 (Xiang Fu) - Cyperus Rhizome

牛膝 (Niu Xi) - Achyranthes Root

地龙 (Di Long) - Earthworm

甘草 (Gan Cao) - Licorice Root