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Dalong Zhang, LAc

Dalong Zhang has helped many patients change their lives and achieve better health. Patients praise Dalong Zhang for his accurate diagnosis and treatment, including highly effective energy therapy and unique acupuncture methods.

张大龙帮助许多患者改变了生活,并获得了更佳的健康水平。患者们对他精准的诊断和治疗赞不绝口, 包括效果极佳的能量疗法和独一无二的针灸方法。

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Dalong Zhang comes from a family of doctors with a century-long history (five generations). He studied pharmacy and clinical medicine at Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China's top medical school. During his studies, he participated in groundbreaking research and production of Chinese herbal medicines under the guidance of professors, and participated in writing academic papers.

Dalong Zhang further studied traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture at Alhambra Medical University. He is a licensed acupuncturist in California. Dr. Zhang’s expertise includes clinical diagnosis, energy therapy, and acupuncture. He treats various ailments like spinal misalignment, acute and chronic pain, infertility, hypertension, diabetes, COVID-19 sequelae, etc.

张大龙来自一个有百年悠久历史(五代人)的医生世家。张医师曾就读于中国顶尖医学院——华中科技大学同济医学院药学和临床医学专业。求学期间, 他在教授的指导下参与了突破性的中草药研究和生产,并参与撰写了学术论文。

张大龙曾在仁爱医科大学(Alhambra Medical University)进一步研究深造中医和针灸。他是加州持证针灸师。张医师的专长包括临床诊断、能量疗法和针灸。他治疗各种疾病,如脊柱错位、急性和慢性疼痛、不孕症、高血压、糖尿病、新冠后遗症等。

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Pulse Diagnosis 把脉问诊

You can visit Fuheng Herbs store, and our Chinese medicine expert will diagnose the disease by checking pulse, observing symptoms, taking medical history.

您可以亲自前往Fuheng Herbs门店,我们的中医专家通过把脉、观察症状、询问病史来诊断疾病。

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Online Diagnosis 线上问诊

You can communicate with our Chinese medicine expert online through your mobile phone, tablet or computer to consult and diagnose your condition.



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