Jin Gu Die Da Wan - 筋骨跌打丸 - 胶囊 - Musculoskeletal Injury Pill - 60 Capsules
Promotes blood circulation to remove blood stasis, reduces swelling and relieves pain, and mends tendons and bones
续断 (Xu Duan) - Sichuan Teasel Root
骨碎补 (Gu Sui Bu) - Drynaria Rhizome
三七 (San Qi) - Tienchi Ginseng Root
赤芍 (Chi Shao) - Chinese Peony Root with Bark
白芍 (Bai Shao) - Chinese Peony Root without Bark
红花 (Hong Hua) - Safflower Flower
苏木 (Su Mu) - Sappanwood Heartwood
乳香 (Ru Xiang) - Frankincense Oleo-Gum-Resin
没药 (Mo Yao) - Myrrh Oleo-Gum-Resin
三棱 (San Leng) - Sparganium Rhizome
当归 (Dang Gui) - Dong Quai Root
桃仁 (Tao Ren) - Peach Seed
北刘寄奴 (Bei Liu Ji Nu) - Siphonostegia Chinensis Whole Plant
牡丹皮 (Mu Dan Pi) - Tree Peony Root Bark
防风 (Fang Feng) - Siler Root
甜瓜子 (Tian Gua Zi) - Melon Seed
枳实 (Zhi Shi) - Bitter Orange Young Fruit
桔梗 (Jie Geng) - Platycodon Root
甘草 (Gan Cao) - Chinese Licorice Root & Rhizome
三叶木通 (San Ye Mu Tong) - Akebia Stem
自然铜 (Zi Ran Tong) - Pyrite
土鳖虫 (Tu Bie Chong) - Wingless Cockroach
姜黄 (Jiang Huang) - Turmeric Rhizome